Thursday, December 12, 2013

Almost Done

What do you do when you should be studying. Taking crazy picture's of yourself of course. ..

I'm almost done with all my finals. Just a math final left and I'll be done with this semester.

This week has been so stressful that my face started breaking out, and I usually don't break out.

Oh also I found a penny on the ground heads up. I'm sure that is a lucky coin so I picked it up and put it in my math book. Hopefully it will give me some luck for my last final

1 comment:

  1. Haha ja gud brukade typ göra allt annat än att plugga när man verkligen behövde, som att städa osv. Huset hade aldrig varit så fint som just runt finals. Lycka till med alla finals. De kommer säkert gå jättebra :)
